Политическое управление:
научный информационно-образовательный электронный журнал

Политическое управление: научный информационно-образовательный электронный журнал

Political management:
Scientific Information and Education Web Journal
ISSN 2221-7703
Публикуется с 2011 года.

Serial Title:
"Political management: Scientific Information and Education Web Journal"
("Political management")
Frequency: semiannually
International Standard Serial Number:
  ISSN 2221-7703
Questions of political management of society have always attracted the attention of scholars since the inception of political science. These issues were addressed in the writings of ancient thinkers and philosophers of the Renaissance and modern times, modern political experts.
Comparing the patterns of political control in the context of globalization, we can say that the democratic project management in an era of globalization is seen by many modern scholars and politicians as a goal the transformation of world order, which can be implemented in the process of constructing the world by all stakeholders. However, it contains a number of mandatory requirements, which are recognized by no means all political leaders and states. Democratization of political relations is the ideal, which contradicts the pragmatic interests and well-established values.
Understanding the nature, origin and essence of modern management processes, defining the limits of manageability and capabilities of self-regulation and self-regulation is an interdisciplinary problem
Political Science and Law,
Economics and Sociology,
History and Philosophy,
Psychology and Culture.
To understand the causes of inconsistency of modern political management processes we consider it necessary to respond to some issues that has both theoretical and methodological, scientific, educational, and informational and educational and practical value:
What is the point today is embedded in the concept of management and governance;
What is the modern ideology of policies and practices of governance, management of human relations;
What is the historical retrospective nature, origin and nature of management processes in civilized societies;
What are the political-legal, economic, social, cultural, and psychological foundations of the modern politics of public administration, governance and self-organization of citizens.
Our magazine is aimed at building a knowledge base of management processes in today's society, socio-economic and politico-legal systems, philosophical and politicalteachings through the prism of political governance.

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staff magazine "Political Management"

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Редакционный E-mail: politupr@yandex.ru
© Политическое управление: сетевое периодическое издание. ISSN 2221-7703.
(Мультимедийный научно-образовательный проект).
Санжаревский И.И.  2011-2021.   ©